Monday, May 3, 2010

Weekend Agility Trial MKHA

This is Robin and do I hate to have my picture taken but Mom says I have to show the ribbons I earned this weekend at the Mid-Hudson KC Agility trial. I really love the FAST class--and so does Dad cuz he has fun figuring out a course that will get the most points. So on Saturday we got first in Novice FAST and that was my new title. On Sunday we moved up to Open FAST and won first place in that class also. So I have 3 new ribbons and 2 new toys.
Mom and Zeeba were showing also. On Saturday Zeeba took first place in the Novice Standard class but Mom helped him NQ in jumpers. He also got a ribbon and water bucket for being the highest scoring sheltie in Novice standard. Then on Sunday, a really really hot day, Gramma Toni was there and Zeeba showed off by getting his first Novice Jww leg with a very fast time and another blue ribbon (and another toy). Unfortunately at the end of a hot muggy day he goofed in Novice standard , too bad because it would have been his title. He likes to pose for pictures.

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